What To Do If Dental Crown Breaks

What To Do If Dental Crown Breaks?

February 7, 2024
Dental Crown

A dental crown, a common dental restoration, serves as a protective cap for a damaged or weakened tooth. While these crowns are designed to be durable, there are instances where they may break. It ultimately results in causing discomfort and concern. Whether it happens while chewing on a tough piece of food or due to underlying issues, a broken dental crown requires prompt attention. In this guide, we’ll delve into what you should do if your dental crown breaks. We’ll also offer immediate steps and long-term solutions to ensure your oral health remains intact.

Immediate Steps

  • Retrieve the Crown: Begin by carefully retrieving any broken pieces of the dental crown. Handle them with care to avoid injury to your gums or tongue.
  • Clean the Area: Gently rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any debris or particles from the broken crown. Use a soft toothbrush to clean the surrounding teeth.
  • Temporary Protection: If the break has left a jagged edge or if the crown is completely dislodged, consider using temporary dental cement, available at most pharmacies. This will protect the exposed tooth and prevent sensitivity.
  • Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage any discomfort. Avoid using aspirin directly on the affected area, as it may irritate.

Seek Professional Help

  • Contact Your Dentist: Reach out to your dentist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. Provide details about the incident, and they will guide you on the next steps.
  • Prompt Examination: Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination to assess the extent of the damage. X-rays may be taken to ensure there are no underlying issues with the tooth.
  • Temporary Solutions: Based on the assessment, your dentist may provide temporary solutions such as re-cementing the crown or creating a new temporary crown. 

Temporary Solutions

  • Re-cementing the Crown: In certain cases, the dentist may attempt to re-cement the broken crown temporarily. This provides a short-term solution to protect the exposed tooth while further decisions are made.
  • Creation of Temporary Crown: A temporary crown might be crafted to replace the damaged one temporarily. This ensures your dental structure is shielded until a permanent solution is finalized.

Long-Term Solutions

  • Crown Replacement: In many cases, a new dental crown may need to be created to replace the damaged one. It involves taking impressions of the tooth and crafting a custom crown. It eventually matches the shape and color of your natural teeth.
  • Evaluation of Underlying Issues: If the crown broke due to underlying issues like tooth decay or structural problems, your dentist will address these issues before placing a new crown. This ensures the long-term success of the restoration.
  • Consider Upgrades: Depending on the circumstances, you may opt for an upgraded crown material, such as porcelain or zirconia, for enhanced durability and aesthetics.

Preventive Measures

  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups to identify potential issues with your dental crowns early on. This proactive approach can prevent unexpected breakages.
  • Oral Hygiene Practices: Maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, and using an antiseptic mouthwash regularly. This helps prevent decay and ensures the longevity of dental restorations.

A broken dental crown can be a concerning experience. Still, with prompt action and professional assistance, you can navigate through it successfully. Remember to take immediate steps at home. Also, avoid DIY fixes, and reach out to your dentist promptly. Long-term solutions involve a thorough examination, potential dental crown replacement, and addressing any underlying dental issues. By following preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of future complications and enjoy a healthy, resilient smile. In the event of a dental crown break, stay calm, follow the steps outlined in this guide, and trust your dentist to guide you toward the best solution for your oral health.